For your convenience and to eliminate the need for carrying cash, we offer a declining balance program for lunch purchases. Funds may be added for your students by logging into your My School Bucks account, which can be accessed via the app or
To set up a My School Bucks account:
- Go to
- Select Florida from the list of available states
- For District, select Holy Comforter Episcopal School
- Enter your contact information
- Create a login ID and password
- Add your child to the account by entering their name and date of birth
Account features include:
- Check account balance
- View Café purchases
- Set up automatic payments
- View payment history
- Low balance notification
The maximum amount you can add to your student’s account is $150. If you choose not to put the maximum amount on your child’s account, $50 is suggested as a minimum amount.
If you do not plan to purchase lunches through Flik at this time, we encourage you to still create an account. You may fund it later if the need arises.
My School Bucks charges $3.25 per transaction. Instead of paying the service charge per transaction, you can purchase a membership option called One Pay. The membership charges a set for a calendar year and you can add money to your account as often as you would like without paying any additional transaction fees. The membership cost is $12.95 for one child or $26.95 for two children or more. You can only pay for the membership with an e-check and not a credit card.
Each student has a FLIK PIN assigned uniquely to them. Their PIN can be located on the students’ contact card on the student’s profile page. The student will use their PIN at the register to pay for their lunch. Please help your student memorize their PIN.
At the end of the year, the lunch balance rolls over to the next year. If you child graduates, you will have the option to transfer your graduate’s balance to a younger sibling, contribute to the annual fund, or be refunded. For those students leaving at the end of the school year, if you student’s balance is less than $10, it will be contributed to the annual fund and you will receive a credit for the donation.