
High School Class of 1999

The names below are a comprehensive list of all who were members of this class at one time, whether you attended just a year or if you attended five or more years. If your name is not listed but should be, please let us know by sending us an email. It is quite possible your name is listed with another class.

Even if we have a good address, please fill out the form on the sidebar to confirm your class year and email address. Thank you!
Bessie Andrews
Ashley Barker
Christopher Barnum
Michael Bassage-Glock
Philip Bell
Katie Bowman
Ann Broadway
Sarah Cannon
Genny Chase
Jennifer Clark
Lamar Clarkson
Nicky Caparello
Bryan Curtin
Brandi Davis*
Tori Dean
Morgan Dekle
Amber Dils
Roxie Drew
Christopher Edmonston
Jill English*
Blair Everline
Genny Field-Chase
Carolyn Flowers
Matthew Frederick*
Alanna French
Lukas Gilkey
Blair Graham
Kristen Greene
Michael Haight
Weaver Hastings
Brian Heaslip
Tommy Henderson
Austin Hofmeister
Ricky Hutcheson
Heather Hutchinson
Ivey Johnson
David Judd
Josh Kelley*
Adrienne Kraft*
Erika Kubik
Jessica Lang
Stacey Leidig
Jason Leino*
Emily McCort*
Erin McGee
Andrew McKenzie
Nadia Munasifi
Michael Munson
Dustin Oldham
Becky Orchard
Katie Ransdell*
Kimberly Rhinehart
Sarah Roberts
Carlos Rodriguez
Matthew Ross
Christopher Rucker
Liam Ryan
Benjamin Seals
Breanna Smith*
Kelli Sommers
Lisa Sparkman
Alden Stone
Lauren Studenic
Katie Sturmer
Gary Taylor*
Mitch Titze
Michael Tribble
Elizabeth Wester*
Matt White
Emily Williams

*Have a current address