Holy Comforter Episcopal School, Inc. is a not for profit corporation organized in the State of Florida. The management of the corporation is under the direction of its Board of Trustees. According to its by laws, The Board of Trustees is charged with “the business, equipment, and affairs of the Corporation”.
Currently, the Board consists of 22 voting members. The Trustees represent various constituents of the HCES community, including but not limited to parents, grandparents, alumni, community leaders, and members of the Holy Comforter Episcopal Church Parish. The Head of School, the Rector and Senior Warden of Holy Comforter Episcopal Church are ex-officio members of the Board.
Some of the Board’s responsibilities include retaining the Head of School, managing the financial health of the school including but not limited to setting the budget and determining tuition rates and setting the Corporation’s policies. The Board is also charged with strategic planning to continue the excellence of the past and create an environment for continued growth and development in the future.
The Board of Trustees also oversees the continued growth of the school through capital development. Currently, HCES is engaged in a capital campaign to complete the final building in the colonnade, a performing arts facility and dining cafe.
The Board must insure with the assistance of the Head of School that the school lives its mission in all aspects of school life and community. In this regard, all Trustees are volunteers and are committed both in time and financially to the school’s continued success.