List Detail

High School Class of 1991

The names below are a comprehensive list of all who were members of this class at one time, whether you attended just a year or if you attended five or more years. If your name is not listed but should be, please let us know by sending us an email. It is quite possible your name is listed with another class.

Even if we have a good address, please fill out the form on the sidebar to confirm your class year and email address. Thank you!
Kristin Andersen
Elizabeth Austin
Timothy Babcock
Susan Barrera
J. Gibbs Beatty
Benji Beaumont
Andrea Becker
Brittany Bennett
Lucy Bivens
Laurie Bodurant
Tad Buzick
Carrie Caldwell
Jack Campbell*
Coy Cook
Huxley Coulter
David Cowles
Andy Craft
Kristi Creamer
Lynn Cunningham
Stephen deHaan
Stacy Derby
Pat Durden
Shawn Dyke
Martha Anne Elder
Allison Elzie
Jason Etheredge
Shannon Everhart
Jeremy Fant
Billy Fitzpatrick
Danny Fleak
Jeni Gargiulo
Aaron Gerteisen
John Gilcher
Jo Vanora Giles
William Green
Michael Groeteke
Carrie Hamrick
Nancy Harper
Corey Harris
John Heath
Kermit Hemmert
George Henderson
Marla Hinchliffe
Justin Honaman
Maggie Hopkins
Chris Hudson
Laura Husty
Angela Hutto*
Andrew Ingley
Bonnie Johnson
Linton Johnson
Rhett Kelly
Leslie Kent
Sean Krueger
Robert Lenaerts
George Lewis
Quinton Leonard
J.R. Long
Sarah Lundy
Snoo Lynch
Kristen MacDonald
Charlene Maphis
Brady Marchant
Thomas Matherly
Emory Mayfield
Laura Mazek
Daniel McDonald
Kristin McDowell
Lauren McDowell
Joy McKinney
Christopher McLaurin
Lane McNab
Sarah Meredith
Todd Miller
Becca Montgomery
Seth Montgomery
Elizabeth Mould
Walker Munroe
Torrey Newcomb
Scott Newton
Sidney O’Neal
Jason Ouzts
Derek Pace
Miles Palmer
Betsy Parker
Drew Parker
Beka Patterson
Jonathan Pearlman
Evan Pelham
George Petrandis
David Pichard
Courtney Powell Ewing*
Blair Preston
Richard Proctor
Emily Purvis
Joe Rainey
Billy Ravenell
Michael Rayboun*
Perry Rentz
Jonathan Rhodes
Tammy Rivers
Todd Robuck
Will Roberts
Francis San Juan
Mary Kimberly Segler
Chip Sellers
Brooke Sessions
Simon Sheppard
Brent Slade
Leslie Smith
Tavia Smith
Heather Swartz
Tracie Thoma
Patricia Trent
Brad Trotman
Heather Venning
Charles Vorce
William Walker
Ashleigh Watson
Norman Watson
Brian Whitehead
Clay Whitfield
Jay Jay Wilkerson
Margaret Williams
Brian Willis
Lee Willis
Amy Wilson
Laurie Wilson
Jennifer Winchester
J.D. Wood
Claire Wood
Heather Woodson
Troy Youngblood
Chad Zapata

*Have current address